Tag Archives: awase

Setting up a Github project

So I felt like setting up Github repository for awaseroot. Git is a version control system and with Github you can share your git project/repository online. We use Github as a place to share all our awaseroot material. There’s many good tutorials available (for example: http://help.github.com/win-set-up-git/) but here’s the steps I took one by one. Replace awaseroot with whatever you want.

Ubuntu 12.04
Git version

The goal is to publish this:

Like this: Read more of this post

Fabric tutorial 1 – Take command of your network

This is a guide for installing and using Fabric on Ubuntu.
Tested versions:
Ubuntu 11.10
Fabric 1.4.1

Fabric is a Python tool and a library for combining Python with SSH.
The tool can be used to execute Python functions from the command line. It’s also
possible to execute shell commands over SSH with Fabric and by combining the Python functions
with the SSH, it’s possible to automate system administration tasks. (fabfile.org)

Why Fabric?
You can use Fabric as a tool for centralized configuration management. You can run administrative tasks
on all of your machines simultaneously. Fabric is fast and easy to install and start using since there’s
no configuration needed, just install and start adding tasks to your fabfile.

Fabric doesn’t require anything else on the remote systems but a working SSH server. So if you
can control a device with SSH, you can also control it with Fabric. This is why Fabric is such
an easy and nice tool to add to your sysadmin tools. If you prefer Ruby over Python, take a look at a
similiar tool called Capistrano.

In these tutorials I will go through the installation and all the basics you need to start using
Fabric efficietly. Read more of this post

Hello World!

I’ve been told it’s good to start everything with a Hello World so here we go.

Hello World! This is awaseroot.

This is a new blog from the authors of the AwaseConfigurations project. This blog will be a place for us to post our findings and solutions to various Linux related topics. In our previous project we focused on centralized management and I believe we’ll be using and improving some of that material as well.

We will focus a lot on configuration management and system administration. The blog will contain a lot of tutorials, code/script examples and solutions to advanced as well as everyday linux use.

awaseroot team:
Henri Siponen
Armens Movsesjans